Welcome to the Job Board Directory
This Job Board is a collaborative effort of the Greater Union Township Chamber of Commerce, the Township of Union and the Union Township Board of Education. It serves as a location for employers throughout the area to post job openings. Additionally, the site is a portal for the Students of Union High School seeking internships with local businesses, which would include both paid and unpaid internships in the greater Union Township area.
Members of the Chamber of Commerce in good standing may post job or intern positions as part of their Chamber member benefit package at NO CHARGE. Non- members are charged $25 to post jobs for one month. No additional fees are associated when an applicant is hired. Join the Chamber and enjoy all the member benefits.
Job applicants and student interns may apply to positions for free.
This portal is also available at no charge to members of the Union Center Special Improvement District (SID).
Employers must Register / Request a login to post jobs.
Applicants may scroll thru the jobs below and can apply directly to the job openings below.