Frequently Asked Questions
To learn more about how to post jobs and apply to jobs, browse the FAQ’s.
Still have question or issues, contact us at executivedirector@unionchamber.com
What is the Job Board?
Do I need to login to use the portal?
How do I get a login?
Are there fees for either employers to post jobs or job seekers to apply to jobs?
Employers who are not members of the Union Township Chamber of Commerce or part of the SID pay an fee of $25/month to post jobs. The job posting fee is waived for members of the Chamber of Commerce, as the Job Board is benefit of being a member.
There are no fees for Job Seekers.
I just posted a job but its not on the website!
What are the responsibilities of Employers?
Employers are expected to remove job listings when the position is filled and/ or update the position to reflect changes in the job requirements.
How do Job seekers apply to open positions?
To apply for a job, the job seeker should click on the job title on the Job Openings page to view the details of the position. Underneath the job description is a “Apply to Job” button. When the job seeker clicks the “Apply to job” button, employer’s preferred method to apply is revealed: there will be either an email address to send your application to the employer, or a link to an application form on the employers website.
Who can I contact if I'm having problems posting a postion?
Contact the Greater Union Chamber by email at executivedirector@unionchamber.com
or leave a message at (908) 688-2777
I see Union High School is a co-sponsor of the Job Board. Are the applicants all high school students?
No, while the job board is promoted to Union High School seniors, they are not the exclusive audience. The job board is promoted throughout the township and surrounding areas to help attract qualified employees to all of our area businesses in need of talent.